
More than seven out of 10 High Net Worth individuals (73%) in the UK say they pay the 'right amount' of tax.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 09:04

Two thirds of savers cutting back

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Two in three (64%) households that currently save have either already decreased or stopped their savings habit altogether, or expect to have to do so, due to increased living costs.


Retirement specialist Just Group is to give all staff earning under £50,000 a year a one-off payment of £1,200 to help them cope with soaring inflation and energy bills.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 08:21

FCA webinars to help advisers prepare for Consumer Duty

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The Financial Conduct Authority is to host a series of webinars to help advisers firms prepare for the new FCA Consumer Duty.

Tuesday, 27 September 2022 15:12

FCA may soften advice/guidance boundary

The FCA is to launch a regulatory review which could see the boundary between advice and guidance softened.