Only five per cent of consumers are aware of the changes being implemented by the RDR.
A survey conducted by YouGov questioned over 1,000 people, all of whom used financial advisers.
The changes being implemented which will affect consumers include charging a fee for advice and getting rid of commission on products.
The survey found that 40 per cent of people would rather pay an upfront fee for advice than allow advisers to take commissions on investments products they purchased.
However, over half of respondents said they would only be prepared to pay up to £100 for a review of their finances.
On commission, 80 per cent of people did not know what trail commission was or even that it existed.
Less than a third knew whether or not their adviser took trail commission on their investment.
Of those whose advisers did take commission, 86 per cent were unaware trail commission would still be charged on products arranged before the RDR.
Ivan Massow, founder and chief executive of PayMeMy.com(mission) which aims to find trail commission and it back to customers, said: “These findings are deeply embarrassing for the IFA industry and fly in the face of recent claims that consumers have full knowledge of the charges they pay.
“The respondents here aren’t members of the public taken off the street, but those who actually use IFAs. If they aren’t up to speed with what’s happening, what hope is there for the rest of us.”