The week, which took place between 21-27 November, focused on encouraging consumers to gain control of their finances and improving their overall financial fitness.
The focus was on PR, with extensive coverage on national and local media, and on Financial Planning firm holding surgeries, workshops and events to help promote their businesses and Financial Planning in general.
NBS Financial Planning in Leeds held four Financial Planning clinics, Taylor Oliver in Chesterfield held Financial Planning consultations for charity and Penguin Wealth Management held a drop-in Financial Planning surgery.
Other firms went down the educational route with Lumen Financial Planning in Northern Ireland, Jones Associates in Wales and Prestwood Etheridge and Russell all offering educational seminars.
Some firms even took part in radio broadcasts to help spread the word and Pete Matthew from Meaningful Money and Martin Bamford from Informed Choice both filmed a series of educational videos.
A campaign led by Holt PR ensured the event received good coverage in various media publications.
Social networking also ensured great coverage and promoted discussions via Twitter and the Financial Planning Week Facebook page.
Tools available on the Financial Planning Week proved popular with Prestwood/Truth offering a version of its cashflow forecasting software and Finametrica offering a risk profiling tool to enable users to work out their own capacity for risk.
Daily polls were held over the week by YouGov which revealed interesting facts about consumers.
Almost three quarters of consumers disagree that Financial Planning is only for the wealthy and 69 per cent feel the RDR will make them more confident in seeking a financial adviser in the future.
IFP chief executive Nick Cann said: “Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this year’s campaign such as a success. Creating awareness of what Financial Planning is about is essential if our profession is to thrive and Financial Planning Week has really put us on the map.”