Two Certified Financial Planners are wanted to join the global Financial Planning Standards Board but time is running out for those wishing to take up a board position.
FPSB said it wants to find two new directors for its board from areas which are not currently represented such as Europe.
The chosen individuals will join six other volunteer board members from Brazil, Canada, China, India and the United States.
The organisation has appealed for nominations from about 160,000 CFP professionals worldwide and the chance to do so ends next week.
The board roles involve developing policy and shaping the body's public interest mission and vision.
Steve Helmich, FPSB board chairperson, said: "Given our mandate to establish Financial Planning as a globally recognised profession, the Financial Planning Standards Board seeks to have highly-qualified Certified Financial Planner professionals on its board at all times.
"It's critically important for FPSB to have the voice of the practitioner on our global governing body, to complement the perspectives of our board members from the independent, allied professions and regulatory spheres, and to ensure that our policies and programs are grounded in the everyday reality of the practice of Financial Planning."
The board role decisions will be finalised by January 2016.To be considered, nominees for FPSB's 2016 board of directors must:
1. Hold Certified Financial Planner certification and be in good standing with the FPSB member organisation that certified them;
2. Be able to participate in English-language meetings; and
3. Not be an office bearer with an FPSB member organisation while sitting on the FPSB board of directors.
In addition, FPSB's nominating committee will favor candidates:
1. With demonstrable senior-level experience in large national / international financial services firm;
2. With developing markets experience; and
3. Who will add geographic diversity to the existing board (e.g Europe, South Africa, and so on).
Nominations should be submitted to the FPSB nominating committee coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 24 July.