Financial Planning will be globally established as a profession by 2025 in the way it was envisaged by the pioneers who crafted it from the beginning, a leading figure at the FPSB's believes.
The Financial Planning Standards Board has been marking its 10th anniversary this week and Steve Helmich, FPSB Board chairman, said Financial Planning will help many generations to come over the long term.
As the organisation set out its vision for the next decade, it released a special-edition stakeholder report to commemorate the event, entitled "Financial Planning: Building the Global Profession."
This report showcases the global professional standards-setting body's accomplishments in support of its vision - to establish Financial Planning as a global profession, with the CFP marks as its symbol of excellence.
Steve Helmich, FPSB Board chairman, said: "I know in my heart that, in 2025, financial planning will be a recognised profession according to our vision, and together, we will have built a profession that will benefit the public for generations to come."
At the end of 2013, there were 153,376 CFP professionals worldwide.
Noel Maye, FPSB's founding CEO, said: "Over the years, both our network and our sphere of influence have grown, and we're proud to have reached our 10-year anniversary with such global recognition for CFP certification from practitioners, financial services firms, regulators and consumers supporting competent, ethical Financial Planners who will place their interests first.
"I'm grateful to all of our members, volunteers and staff who have worked so hard to get FPSB to where it is today."
The report is available electronically in the "resources" section of fpsb.org. It explains FPSB's global strategy focusing on leadership, awareness, standards, engagement and recognition, and emphasises FPSB's successes over the past decade and what success looks like beyond the first 10 years through a strategic lens.
FPSB has a non-profit member organisation in the following 26 territories: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Colombia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
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