In 2010, the Institute of Financial Planning launched the first professional qualification in the UK to test the skills and competence of Paraplanners - the Certificate in Paraplanning.
The IFP is pleased to report that this qualification is now recognised under the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) qualifications framework. Successful completion of the Certificate attracts 20 non-unit specific credits for candidates studying at Diploma level. A cost will be levied by CII for holders wishing to claim the credits.
The Certificate in Paraplanning is set at QCF Level 4 and has been welcomed right across the Financial Planning profession. For those wishing to progress to higher qualifications, the Certificate provides the perfect route to then progress to gaining CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM Certification in future.
Lucy Courtenay, IFP qualifications director, said : “We know that a number of Paraplanners are already working towards CII qualifications or planning to do so in future. We’re pleased to see this recognition for the Certificate in Paraplanning as we believe it will help the professional development of more and more Paraplanners, a role which is so important within Financial Planning firms.”
For details of the Certificate in Paraplanning and IFP training options visit: http://www.financialplanning.org.uk/planners/paraplanner.cfm