Architas is dedicated to providing multi-asset, multi-manager funds of funds for clients in the UK and Europe. Established in 2008, we are committed to open architecture and currently manage assets to the value of more than £7bn.
As part of the global AXA Group, we have the resources and financial stability to compete on the global stage, but retain our independence as an investment house to make our own investment decisions.
Our large, experienced investment team, headed by chief investment officer, Caspar Rock, focuses on identifying first-rate funds and asset managers through a robust and consistent selection process. Fund selection is just the beginning, however: we consistently monitor our selections and make sure they blend ffectively in our portfolios, and our dynamic investment team brings a wealth of skills to the process.
We cultivate our links across the industry, as well as leveraging our role in the AXA Group and exploiting the purchasing power that the size brings, while retaining our independence and specialist focus.
When it comes to building portfolios, our asset allocation is driven predominantly by the eValue FE risk modelling tool. This allows us to offer a range of risk-profiled funds, each of which is managed tightly to a risk level. We offer three ranges of risk- profiled funds, from the low-cost MA Passive Range to the potentially high- performing MA Active Range.
The MA Passive range is designed to provide broad, diversified, risk- profiled market exposure at as a low a cost as possible by using passive investments.
The MA Active range uses the highest-rated active managers from our research process, combined with our tactical asset allocation views, in pursuit of the greatest possible performance.
This high alpha solution does command a premium price, so we also offer the MA Blended range, which combines the performance benefits of active funds with the low costs of passive management to offer an attractive answer to the active versus passive debate.
We believe that the strength and depth of our research process, combined with a market-leading asset allocation tool, enables Architas to offer a compelling investment solution to support the needs of Financial Planners and their clients post-RDR.
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