Nearly 1,000 Financial Planning professionals are on their way to Wembley this week.
The latest of the Personal Finance Society’s four Financial Planning Symposiums takes place on Thursday at the England football team’s national stadium.
Attendance for the fully-booked conference and exhibition at Wembley is set to top 900, the PFS told Financial Planning Today.
The same night, the PFS will host its Annual Awards dinner, bringing together more than 550 members of the profession and VIPs.
It is set to be the most well attended of the four events, which are expected to have racked up nearly 2,400 delegates by the end.
The Birmingham Symposium on 29 November, the last one, is expected to be the second biggest with nearly 650 booked.
Former IFP chief executive Steve Gazzard will be among the PFS line up of key speakers at Wembley.
Other speakers include PFS chief executive Keith Richards on the evolution of advice and Chartered Financial Planner Jason Butler who will look at how the way people access, experience and pay for financial advice will undergo a radical transformation due to technological innovation.
The PFS events are celebrating “the evolution of the story of Financial Planning” by taking inspiration from William Shakespeare. Each symposium will also have 36 exhibitors who will have access to two additional delegate passes - meaning numbers are boosted by an extra 72 at each venue.
Personal Finance Society chief executive Keith Richards said: “Our National Symposiums represent the pinnacle event for the professional advice community, and this year’s events represent the biggest gathering of Financial Planning professionals in the financial services calendar.”
“We have assembled an impressive line-up of guest speakers and subject matter experts, as well as award winning actor, business coach and keynote speaker Ian Hughes, who will draw on the Shakespearean theme by explaining how the power of storytelling can increase the impact we make when telling our own story.”