Nearly 100 more delegates attended the IFP annual conference than last year, it was revealed this afternoon.
There were 470 delegates this year compared to 375 delegates last year.
The event has been hailed as a success as the curtains began to close on proceedings this afternoon.
In total there were over 600 people at the event at Celtic Manor in Wales over the three days.
Conference chairman Damien Rylett said: "As we head home from another fabulous conference, I would like to pay tribute to the people that make this event the huge success it is each and every year.
"Although I have chaired the small committee that may take the glory for this event, the people that actually make it happen are the truly wonderful team at the IFP.
"It has been an absolute pleasure and honour to have worked with Katherine Morgans, Sue Whitbread and the team and they deserve absolutely all of the credit. I hope delegates have enjoyed the conference."
IFP communications director Sue Whitbread said: “A particular highlight was the special recognition award for exceptional service to Financial Planning over the past 15 years for Nick Cann he got a standing ovation and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house for our inspirational and charismatic leader.
“The atmosphere has been electric and very positive with the opportunity to discuss the merger with the CISI and a look forward to growing the Financial Planning profession by combining the strengths of the two institutes.
“Congratulations to Alan Dick for becoming President. He gave an inspirational speech to delegates reinforcing the strong culture in the IFP and how he sees that going from strength to strength following the merger.
“We were delighted to have so many representatives from the CISI and IFP members welcomed the opportunity to meet them and to discuss the future.
“The formal conference programme has been extremely well received and highlights being Andy Bounds and Dr James Rouse.
"The feedback we've had from delegates has been extremely positive. The mix of sessions has gone down very well.
“The exhibition was particularly innovative this year and thanks to all the firms that put in so much time and effort to be creative and provide so much useful information for delegates. A big thank you to Partnership as conference lead sponsor for the second consecutive year and delegates appreciated the Steve Groves speech.
"Steph McGovern, our hostess for the evening, fitted in so well with the sense of what the event was about, we loved having her hosting the gala evening."
Ms Whitbread thanked the excellent staff at Celtic Manor resort. She also thanked the Irish rugby team for putting in an appearance and wished them the best of luck for the game against France.
It was the seventh year in a row that the conference has been held at Celtic Manor and it will be held there again next year.