The PFS is to run six events exclusively for Paraplanners over the next two months and will offer a livestream option for the London event to allow more people to view the sessions.
The ‘Purely Paraplanning’ events have been designed by the PFS Paraplanner practitioner panel with content tailored towards the needs of Paraplanners.
The events are free for members and non-members who register in advance.
Topics being covered include IHT and trusts, exam techniques and MiFID II.
They are taking place in six locations around the UK between the end of March and May.
The locations are:
28 March – Telford
2 April – Reading
4 April – Crawley
9 April – Glasgow
1 May – London
7 May - Durham
The programme for Purely Paraplanning includes:
• IHT and the use of trusts; probate and LPAs; lifetime Allowance
• Compliance Best Practice and MiFID II
• Exam Techniques
• Regulating your Emotional Intelligence (EI) and building Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Attendance at an event qualifies for approximately 4.5 hours of CPD and lunch and refreshment is provided.
More details are available at: www.thepfs.org/events