Chartered Financial Planner Greg Harris of Unividual was recently faced with a challenging case when clients turned to him after facing a hefty CGT bill following an unexpected windfall inheritance.
In a Planner Casebook feature in the latest Financial Planning Today magazine, he explains how the relatively young married couple with two young children came into an unexpected inheritance they did not know how to invest.
Before seeking advice they decided to invest in buy-to-let property. When this started to go wrong and they sold up they turned to Greg for advice.
The sale of the properties had left them with a large Capital Gains Tax headache.
It was at this point that they turned to Greg for advice and some creative solutions to mitigate the tax liability and invest the money more wisely.
Using the Financial Process Greg helped the couple with two young children make the most of the unexpected windfall and mitigate their CGT liability.
You can read the full Planner Casebook in a free sample of Financial Planning Today magazine here: http://bit.ly/30ra4a5
• The full Planner Casebook feature is in the latest issue of Financial Planning Today magazine. You can view a preview here http://bit.ly/30ra4a5 and take advantage now of our limited-time 50% off subscription offer using code ‘50SAVER.’
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