
The FCA has extended its suspension of the requirement for firms to issue 10% depreciation notifications to investors.

Friday, 23 December 2022 08:59

CII denies PFS board takeover is a cash grab

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The Chartered Insurance Institute has denied that its move this week to take over the PFS board was about taking control of the PFS's near £20m in reserves.

Friday, 23 December 2022 08:54

Planners condemn CII move to take over PFS board

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Many Financial Planners have reacted negatively to the move by the CII this week to take over the PFS board, with several saying they may re-evaluate their membership.

Friday, 23 December 2022 08:42

CII accuses PFS of breaching confidentiality

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A spokesperson from the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) has accused the Personal Finance Society (PFS) of breaching a confidentiality agreement as the row between the professional bodies continues.

Thursday, 22 December 2022 15:06

PFS abandons today's Emergency Board Meeting

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The Personal Finance Society has blamed a lack of CII directors attending for its decision to abandon an Emergency PFS board meeting today.