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Terms and Conditions: Our agreement with you
By using this website you agreed to abide by the terms and conditions listed below. This is a legally binding agreement between you and Portfolio Publishing Ltd, publisher of the Financial Planning Today website.
Under these terms and conditions you may use the Financial Planning Today website at www.financialplanningtoday.co.uk. These terms apply regardless of the media or device you use to access this service. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions stated here you should not access the website, register for it or use any information contained herein. You should also cancel any registrations you may have with this site. If you have any questions please contact
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Financial Planning Today is part of the Portfolio Publishing Ltd group. The corporate details for Portfolio Publishing are: Portfolio Publishing Ltd is registered in England & Wales. Company No. 5542523. Business address: 3 Heythrop Drive, Ickenham, Middx UB10 8DT. Telephone Number: 01895 623994. Email: info@portfoliopublishing.co.uk Registered office: Warneford Gibbs, College House, 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, Middx HA4 7AE.. VAT Registration No. 867492473.
1. General Guidelines
These terms and conditions were issued on 6 May 2022 and replace all and any previous terms and conditions for this website. We will update or change these terms if there is a change in the law or regulation. If you are a subscriber or registered user of the site, any changes will become effective from the date of your first or next Financial Planning Today renewal. It may be necessary in future to cease to publish Financial Planning Today or any of its content or end any services provided by the site. If we do so, then we will have no further obligation to you, except if you are a paid subscriber. In this case we will offer you a refund of the unused period of your subscription or make an appropriate alternative offer acceptable to you.
2. Site Usage
In order to provide quality content to you we rely on you to abide by the terms and conditions stated herein and our privacy policy (see separate section on website) including our rules on content and to comply with our terms relating to how and when we use your data. By providing our data we are able to sell advertising space to advertisers which helps to fund this website and provide a service to you. Providing this data is important in helping us and advertisers know more about you but we will never reveal your identity to third parties without your express prior permission. We will only share date in aggregate with advertisers and potential advertisers. These terms and conditions are also designed to provide clarity on your responsibilities and our obligations to you. Failure to adhere to them when using the site or using the content may result in action against you so please take the time to familiarise yourself with the rules to avoid breaching any terms. Portfolio Publishing Ltd is also willing to invite other companies and organisations to use Financial Planning Today content with appropriate permissions and purchasing a licence to allow one-off or regular usage. For further information on usage or to purchase a licence contact contact Financial Planning Today at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">sales@portfoliopublishing.co.uk. All Financial Planning Today content belongs to Financial Planning Today or any licensors who own agreed intellectual property rights in the Financial Planning Today content as clearly stated in any prior written agreement between ourselves and any licensors or users. We take protecting your data seriously and aim to adhere to all relevant UK and EU data protection regulations including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). See our Privacy Policy for more details.
Permitted Usage
You can do the following:
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3. Our Privacy Policy
This is a summary of our Privacy Policy. The full policy is available on the website.
We take your privacy seriously and any information we receive from you will be used in line with this Privacy Policy and subject to current data protection and GDPR rules. In using the site you will be agreeing to us receiving data and information from you and this is part of the agreement between ourselves and yourself on accessing the site and using the data herein.
When you register you must give Financial Planning Today accurate information about yourself and it is up to you to update this information with any changes.
This information is important to us and we use it when aggregating data about users, planning new services and informing advertisers and sponsors about usage of the site. Your individual information is not passed elsewhere except where you choose to disclose this yourself in any forums, comments or articles you write.
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You can choose to remain logged in on the site but it is sensible not to do this on a computer used by users other than yourself.
4. Content Policy
By creating content yourself on the website in the form of comments, blogs or forum participation by doing so you agree to us using this content in any other media published by Financial Planner, Portfolio or their licensors. You agree to receive no payment for this re-use of content and that it may be used in any form or manner we see fit as long as it is not used in a form where your words or comments are distorted to form a meaning or sense with which you would never have used. We are able to use the content in any manner and for any purpose we see fit in whole or part.
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In return for the above requirements, we promise to do our utmost to safeguard your privacy and handle your content with care and diligence to the best of our abilities.
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The Financial Planning Today website and magazine may publish links to other websites or online and mobile services which are available from third parties, including advertisers and sponsors. If you have also signed up for our newsletters or registered to use the site we may also send you messages from advertisers or sponsors from time to time by email. Accepting this is part of subscribing to our newsletters.
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6. Our Duty To You
Financial Planning Today strives to cover the Financial Planning and financial services sectors in as impartial and accurate a way as possible but we can take no responsibility for any errors or omissions in any articles on this site or other group sites or magazines. If errors or omissions do occur we will do our utmost to correct them, where we deem it appropriate, within 7 days. You can inform us of any errors by emailing: editor@portfoliopublishing.co.uk. We cannot accept any responsibilities for the content of third party websites or any third party products. Where you have paid for your content, either as a paid subscriber or licensor, our liability is limited to no more than the price you paid for your subscription or licence. Financial Planning Today’s publisher Portfolio Publishing Ltd can take no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in site content. The views expressed on the site are entirely the views and comments of Financial Planning Today and we take no responsibility for any third party comment. The site is intended to provide general news, information and features for the Financial Planning, Paraplanning, Wealth Management and Financial Advisory communities. None of the information should be relied on or used in making or refraining from any professional recommendations. Any information on the Financial Planning Today website is subject to the time delays inherent in usage of the internet and no responsibility can be taken for timely or otherwise publication of any data or information on the site including share prices and market indices. Our website and magazines are intended for professionally-qualified advisers and financial services professionals only and not intended for consumers who should neither act on or refrain from taking any action based on the content of this site.
7a. Registration and Information Supplied to You
It is a requirement of using this site, when accessing any content beyond the first article, that you register and provide us with information about yourself. This information that you supply must be accurate and timely and this also applies where we offer any paid subscription services where registration is required. We may from time to time use your contact information to supply you with information about new content, new services from us and new services and products from selected third parties. You have a right at all times to choose to opt out of any information sent by third parties but it is a requirement of registering to use this site that you receive regular communications from us and our partners where this information is sent by us.
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Access to Financial Planning Today is available to all users but access will vary depending on the subscription / registration package chosen by readers. Unregistered readers may access 1 article per month at no charge. Registered Readers may access up to 10 articles per month (variable at any time by the publisher) following registration at no charge. Subscribers who choose our paid packages, which include access to Financial Planning Today magazine (digital or print edition), will have access to the items included in their package for the duration of their subscription. The access allowance on any package may be varied at any time at the publisher's discretion but for those subscribing to paid packages the items included at the time the package was booked and paid for will be honoured during the period of the subscription. In the event of any change at least one month's notice will be given. The publisher reserves the right to alter or withdraw any package at any time but in the unlikely event this includes any paid packages an alternative offer will be paid.
12. Date of Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions were last updated on 6 May 2022.