
Two thirds of advisers say that up to 50% of their business is now from clients in pension drawdown, according to a new survey.

Friday, 28 October 2022 11:18

Guy Opperman returns to DWP

Guy Opperman MP, one of the longest serving Pensions Ministers in recent times, has returned to the Department for Work and Pensions although the pensions portfolio he held has yet to be allocated.

Friday, 28 October 2022 09:55

FSCS declares SIPP adviser in default

The FSCS has declared in default a Hull-based financial adviser which provided SIPP and investment advice.

Ian Taylor, one of the founders of platform Transact, died on 17 October at home after a short illness and two years after retiring. The company has written an obituary for their much-loved founder which Financial Planning Today is reproducing here by kind permission of the company.

The Financial Planning Standards Board, the global standards setting body for Certified Financial Planners, has appoint Dante De Gori CFP as its new CEO from 1 January.