
Over two thirds (72%) of financial advisers think providers do not give enough clear and consistent information about how to complete expressions of wishes.

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I must confess to having been rather negative about the so-called social media influencers or ‘finfluencers’ as some call them.

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In my last article I questioned just what is “fair and reasonable” when it comes to regulation. This was prompted by a recent FOS determination involving a complaint by a Mr T. against Rowanmoor Pensions.

Wealth manager and Financial Planner Tilney Smith & Williamson has hired Neil Coxhead from Waystone to be the new head of its £10bn ACD (authorised corporate director) fund host and admin arm.

Several million young people in the UK are believed to be following so-called social media financial influencers or ‘finfluencers,’ according to new research.