
SIPP provider Curtis Banks has reported a modest 4.7% rise in pre-tax profits to £14m as SIPP numbers fell year on year by 2,544.

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) has launched a recommended bid to acquire major UK wealth manager and Financial Planner Brewin Dolphin for £1.6bn.

The Financial Conduct Authority is set to launch a scheme to pay out an estimated £71.2m to victims of the British Steel Pension Scheme pension transfer scandal.

North West Financial Planning firm Foresight Wealth Strategists has made its first acquisition with the purchase of Bury-based Independent Financial Adviser Platinum Socially Responsible Investments for an undisclosed sum. 

The FCA has fined asset manager GAM International Management Limited (GIML) £9.1m and also fined one of GIML's investment managers for conflicts of interest failings related to gifts and entertainment received from the collapsed Greensill investment business.