
Friday, 17 September 2021 07:15

97% of advisers updated CIP in past year

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The vast majority of financial advisers (97%) with a Centralised Investment Proposition (CIP) have updated it in the last 12 months or plan to do so, according to new research.

Thursday, 16 September 2021 12:49

Planner team completes Three Peaks challenge

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A five-strong team from Belmayne Independent Chartered Financial Planners of Dronfield, near Sheffield, has raised over £500 for charity by completing the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge.

Thursday, 16 September 2021 10:18

FCA and TPR outline DC value for money framework

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The Financial Conduct Authority and The Pensions Regulator have published a joint discussion paper on building a common framework for measuring value for money in DC pension schemes.

Thursday, 16 September 2021 14:32

The Financial Planning Business Growth Stars

Some of the most successful Financial Planning firms in the UK have shared the inspiring stories of how they have both survived and prospered during the pandemic in the new issue of Financial Planning Today Magazine

Friday, 17 September 2021 06:35

Just Wealth trains advisers for ESG boom

Financial advice firm Just Wealth - part of estate agent group Spicerhaart - is training its self-employed advisers in advising investors on ESG options as a boom in ESG investing gets under way.