
LEBC’s well known public policy director Kay Ingram is leaving the company after 18 years to pursue a new career as a personal finance writer, commentator and broadcaster.

Monday, 19 July 2021 08:51

Curtis Banks sees SIPP numbers rise

Acquisitive SIPP provider Curtis Banks has reported a 15% rise in its number of mid and full SIPPs to 55,000 following the acquisition of Talbot and Muir.

The FCA has dropped it second advice suitability review due to probe retirement advice after reviewing its post-pandemic workload, the regulator confirmed today.

Retirement and platform provider Embark is to hire more than 50 people in Dundee over the next few months to boost its platform operations in the city.

Cashflow modelling tool provider Truth is adding extra functionality from today allowing Financial Planners to white label their own free cashflow onboarding site for consumers.