
Friday, 23 February 2024 13:03

Editor’s Comment: A duty to think again

As the next stage of the FCA's Consumer Duty looms in July - when legacy products and sales will be included - some new research suggests the Duty may be rather more of a burden on Financial Planners and advisers than first thought.

The FSCS's estimated costs in paying exit charges to allow trapped Hartley Pensions clients to transfer their money elsewhere has risen by £2m to £38m and could rise further.

Gross and net flows for direct to consumer investment platforms continued their downward trend in 2023, hitting their lowest point in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to a new report.


Six months after it was implemented, over two fifths (45%) of IFAs believe the Consumer Duty has made it harder to advise clients.

Friday, 23 February 2024 08:49

HNW clients expect Labour to win election


High Net Worth investors - those with assets of more than £250,000 - expect Labour would if a general election if it was held this week, according to new research.

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