
SIPP and Financial Planning firm Mattioli Woods said it plans to more than double its intake of new trainee advisers to help address the 'advice gap.'

The FCA has issued a warning notice to a pension adviser it has branded “reckless” after they gave unsuitable advice to customers to transfer out of their DB scheme over a four year period.

SIPP and SIPP drawdown investors added more diverse assets to their portfolios, including equity income and corporate bonds, in December, according to Hargreaves Lansdown figures.

Major Swedish wealth manager Söderberg & Partners has increased its UK footprint by taking minority stakes in two advice firms, adding £1.25bn in AUM (Assets Under Management).

The Personal Finance Society (PFS) has launched a 'refreshed' events programme for 2024, involving new, large-scale events alongside online and regional series and the organisation’s flagship National Conference.

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