Make Financial Planning ‘sexy’ to attract young into profession

Financial Planning needs to be made more ‘sexy’ to entice more young people into the profession.


IFP-CISI merger is completed as two bodies unite

The Institute of Financial Planning has now officially merged with the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment as of 1 November and CISI welcome packs are on their way this week to IFP members.


IFP to become a 'heavyweight' body

The IFP will become a heavyweight organisation following the merger with the CISI, the IFP’s new president told the annual conference this morning. Read more...

IFP looks for merger to boost long term growth in Financial Planning

Outgoing IFP President Rebecca Taylor FIFP CFPCM and next President Alan Dick CFPCM, who will take over tomorrow, said achieving “critical mass” for Financial Planning in the UK was a major motivator for the IFP-CISI merger. Read more...