Rocha Lima heads new Planning firm making first acquisition

Leading Financial Planner Amyr Rocha Lima and fellow planner Ian Cooke have launched a new Financial Planning practice in Surrey and announced the acquisition of another Financial Planning firm.


CISI's Amyr Rocha Lima: Flexing retirement income muscle

In this guest column, Amyr Rocha Lima, chair of the CISI’s Financial Planning forum, looks at a different approach to flexible retirement income. This column first appeared in the July-August issue of Financial Planning Today magazine.


CISI's Amyr Rocha Lima: Are clients overwhelmed?

Looking ahead to 2023, as Financial Planners we must be aware of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in the world of Financial Planning.


Amyr Rocha Lima: Why history makes us better investors

In this exclusive Column for Financial Planning Today, Amyr Rocha Lima, chairman of the CISI Financial Planning Forum Committee, explains why he believes history lessons are crucial for planners.