Bamford: FSCS must shun the ‘casino’ losers

I’ve only been to a casino once in my life. Perhaps fittingly for this story, it was during a business trip to Barcelona with life assurance company NPI, at the very start of my career. I walked into the Casino de Barcelona with a colleague, watched a gentleman lose several thousand pesetas on a spin of the roulette wheel, and promptly walked back out again, feeling a little nauseous at the speed and scale of the loss. James Bond, I’m not.


Bamford: Financial Planning is stressful but rewarding

Chloe Moran recently shared her daily stresses as a Paraplanner, many of with which I could identify. I think it’s healthy to talk about these things; laying them out on the table can be a cathartic exercise resulting in positive change.


Bamford: ‘FSCS is a giant regulatory train wreck’

I like to think of myself as a fairly laid back guy. Relatively few things in this life make me angry.


Bamford: Why Financial Planners need a sense of purpose


As an avid reader, my book choices tend to fall into one of a handful of genres. I’m a sucker for a good biography. Maybe that’s a voyeuristic tendency, but the ability to look into the lives of others and learn from their experience, while at the same time being entertained by their antics, is a great formula.