Behavioural insights the future of Financial Planning - Nucleus

Behavioural insights should propel Financial Planning firms forward as the advice process continues to evolve, according to a new white paper.


Editor’s Comment: Herd instinct may be harming investors

The latest Investment Association figures, covering fund sales in the second quarter, reveal some interesting movements but also highlight the blunders mainstream investors make over and over again due to the herd instinct.


Bamford: Planners must be open to learning new skills

When I first became a Financial Planner in 2002, professional development was fairly straightforward. I would pick the most interesting sounding product provider seminars, turn up at a couple of these each month, and that would be enough to satisfy my continuing professional development needs. How things have changed.


Investment guru Murray urges planners to focus on investor behaviour

American behavioural investment guru Nick Murray delighted IFP Conference delegates with an insight into how investors behaved during the so-called “lost decade” from 2000 to 2009 when investment returns tumbled to historical lows. Read more...