Tavistock and Blackrock join to launch new portfolio range

Tavistock Wealth and BlackRock have jointly launched a new portfolio range called Tavistock Profiles to Tavistock’s financial advisers and clients. Read more...

'Mass affluent' targeted as Blackrock buys Robo-adviser

A robo-adviser service has been bought out by Blackrock and will operate within its US investment and risk management platform. Read more...

Advisers says clients plan to work longer and retire later

A survey of advisers by Blackrock has found that 71% of advisers say clients plan to work longer and retire later as the shortfall in their retirement savings becomes more apparent. Read more...

European ETFs reach £327bn at 15 year milestone

European ETF assets have reached a milestone of £327bn after 15 years in existence with Blackrock predicting they will have assets of over £650bn (US$1 trillion) in less than five years from now. Read more...