Pensions Dashboards enters 'develop and test' phase

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) has hired leading consultants Capgemini to deliver the critical technical framework needed to bring the dashboards to life as they enter a crucial “develop and test” phase.


Global HNWI population reaches record high of 12m people

The number of high net worth individuals reached record highs of 12m in 2012 after seeing growth of 9.2 per cent. Read more...

Wealthy individuals have more trust in their adviser

Almost 100 per cent of high net worth individuals have trust and confidence in their financial adviser, according to a survey by Merrill Lynch and consulting group Capgemini.


Rise in the number of young and female HNW clients

There is significant growth in the number of young and female high net worth individuals, according to Merrill Lynch and consulting group Capgemini.