David Norton Award 2013- time to enter now

Without any doubt there are lots of very good Financial Planning firms, but what does it take to go that step further and become a great one? In this post-RDR world, if you're ready for the challenge then you should be entering this year's David Norton Building Excellence Award. Read more...

My Business: Stephen Jones of Cooper Parry Wealth

Stephen Jones of Cooper Parry, the firm which won the 2012 IFP David Norton 'Building Excellence' award, this months shares his best practice and talks about the value of the award to his firm. Read more...

Time to enter the David Norton 'Building Excellence' award

Since its launch back in 2008, the David Norton Award has firmly established itself as the "one to win" when it comes to the plethora of awards that exist across the Financial Planning profession. Read more...

Budget 2013: Rachel Styles on pensions and pints

"Now I know I've got something of a 'specialist' point of view, but for me this year's Budget was all about pensions and, to a lesser extent, beer. Read more...