Financial Planner 'free' surgeries proving a hit with public

Free Financial Plannng surgeries for the public, a key part of Financial Planning Week 2013, are proving a hit, says the IFP.

Consumers reveal growing fears about economic climate

A poll for Financial Planning Week 2013 has revealed that more than 80% of consumers surveyed recently were worried about making ends meet compared to only 60% who said the same in 2011. Read more...

Financial Planners open their doors nationwide

As part of Financial Planning Week 2013 Financial Planning firms all over the UK are offering the public the opportunity this week to consult with a professional on a no-strings attached basis and at no cost. Read more...

Consumers plan for Christmas but fail to plan for life

A survey of over 2,000 consumers conducted for the launch of Financial Planning Week on Sunday 24 November has found that consumers are good at planning for Christmas but poor at planning their finances for life. Read more...