1m more will pay higher rate tax by 2027

A million more people will be paying higher rate tax by 2027, according to forecasts published by HMRC in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.


Pension top-up could help higher taxpayers avoid child benefit cut

Prudential says that one in six high earners can expect to see their child benefit payments reduced under new rules and an estimated 36,000 taxpayers could increase their pension savings to avoid the new tax. Read more...

Higher rate taxpayers missing out on pension benefits

One in four higher rate taxpayers do not contribute to a pension, according to Prudential, despite the attraction of tax relief. Read more...

Higher rate tax payers offered temporary reprieve by HMRC

Higher rate taxpayers - the main client base of many Financial Planners - who have failed to submit tax returns are being offered the opportunity to come forward and pay up under a time-limited HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) campaign.Read More Read more...