Experts favour Sajid Javid scrapping Inheritance Tax

Experts have backed the notion that Chancellor Sajid Javid could scrap Inheritance Tax.


Crackdown on ‘havens’ won’t raise tax take, says report

The Institute of Economic Affairs has released a new report which it says “debunks the myths” surrounding tax havens.


Flat-rate pensions tax relief 'devoid of economic rationale'

Introducing a flat-rate of pensions tax relief would be misguided and “devoid of any economic rationale”, the Institute of Economic Affairs has claimed.


Leading economists warn 1% growth could be new UK norm

Leading economists are warning that the long-term, sustainable growth rate in the UK may be only 1% - compared with the 2.5% that HM Treasury thought standard from the 1980s to the 2000s. Read more...