Editor’s Column: A regulatory bomb exploding


I was going to dedicate this column to a timely look back at 2020 and a look forward to 2021 (see lower down). Then something happened.


Gloster - FCA plans sweeping reforms after LCF debacle

The FCA will introduce nine major reforms following publication of the damning Gloster Report into its handling of the £236m collapse of mini-bond provider London Capital & Finance (LCF).


Gloster - FCA failed to protect LCF investors

The FCA is to implement a package of reforms after accepting the findings of the long-awaited Gloster Report that it failed to adequately protect the 11,625 investors who lost money due to the £236m collapse of mini-bond provider London Capital & Finance.


LCF pay-outs reach £38.1m as claims process drags on

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme has paid out just over £38.1m in compensation to LCF customers, a substantial increase from the £20m paid out by August when the body increased the team allocated to the case by nearly 80%.