Average Paraplanner earns £30k-£35k a year

A survey of Paraplanner remuneration carried out by the IFP for the annual IFP Paraplanner Conference has found that one in three Paraplanners earns between £30,000 and £30,499 per annum. Read more...

Bath branch shares Paraplanning ideas

Bath branch welcomed respected Paraplanner Martin Vaughan CFPCM to speak at their September meeting, which shared ideas on how the use of Paraplanners can be maximised within firms. Read more...

Surrey IFP branch members learn more about business growth and cashflow

The second Surrey branch meeting of the year took place on 28 February in Guildford. Delegates enjoyed two sessions, the first on the topics of business growth and questions to ask a private banking partner and second on maximising the value of cashflow modelling and working effectively with Paraplanners.