FPSB presents top new award to former CEO Maye

Global Financial Planning professional body The Financial Planning Standards Board has added a new award recognising individuals for their outstanding contributions to the profession.


Global Planning body FPSB appoints new CEO

The Financial Planning Standards Board, the global standards setting body for Certified Financial Planners, has appoint Dante De Gori CFP as its new CEO from 1 January.


Q&A with Noel Maye, CEO of global planning body FPSB

Noel Maye, CEO of the Denver-based Financial Planning Standards Board, is standing down after 20 years at the helm of the global Financial Planning standards organisation which sets the benchmarks for Certified Financial Planners around the world. Financial Planning Today caught up with him to ask him about his milestones, the progress of Financial Planning in the UK and his plans for the future.


FPSB aiming for 250,000 CFP holders by 2025

The Financial Planning Standards Board, the international Certified Financial Planner standards body, is aiming to have 250,000 CFP holders by 2025 - an increase of 62,000 over the next five years.