Wonga to pay customers £2.6m after 'very serious misconduct'

Compensation of over £2.6m is heading the way of more than 45,000 customers treated 'unfairly' by Wonga. Read more...

17 banks and building societies to repay customers £149m

Seventeen banks and building societies have agreed to repay over an estimated £149 million in interest and charges to around 497,000 customers, following OFT action. Read more...

OFT agrees reforms to £275bn UK DC pensions sector

The OFT has agreed with business and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) on reforms to the £275bn defined contribution (DC) workplace pension market after it found some savers fail to receive "value for money." Read more...

Regulators publish guidance on avoiding a new PPI debacle

The Financial Services Authority and the Office of Fair Trading have jointly published final guidance to help prevent the problems associated with Payment Protection Insurance recurring in a new generation of products. Read more...