Editor’s Comment: Blurred lines

Boundaries are essential for all sorts of good reasons. They make things clear to everyone involved what’s the right side of the line and what’s not. Blurred lines are best avoided.


Editor’s Comment: The true cost of bad advice

The true cost of bad advice, and more importantly what it’s going to cost, moved into the spotlight this week with the FCA’s headline-making proposals to compel most financial advice firms, some 5,000, to set aside reserves for the cost of bad advice.


Editor’s Comment: The killer scams

[Content warning - this article contains references to suicide and self harm. Please see footnote]

Most weeks, to be fair nearly every week, we run stories on Financial Planning Today about scammers or financial crooks who have cheated clients out of all or part of their savings.


Editor’s Comment: Rise of the working pensioner

There is no doubt that hanging up your jacket and finally retiring to a life of blissful days and ignoring the morning alarm clock has become more difficult over the last few years.