Calls for early state pension access for those hit by pandemic

The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) and Age UK have called on the government to provide early access to the state pension for those within three years of their state pension age  who are unlikely to be able to work again due to caring responsibilities, a disability, or long-term joblessness caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.


Quilter calls for review of pensions triple lock

Jon Greer, head of retirement policy at Quilter, has called on the Government to reform the pensions triple lock, saying that retaining it in its current form is not an option.


Pensions Policy Institute: Consumers must get better help

Consumers need better help understanding what they can do to make the best use of their pensions and how to do it, the Pensions Policy Institute’s deputy director says.


Pensions body: Auto-enrolment will double DC schemes

Automatic enrolment could more than double the numbers saving in DC schemes by 2030, according to the Pensions Policy Institute. Read more...