PlanPlus launches new Financial Planning fintech tool

PlanPlus Global has launched its new Financial Planner-focused fintech tool SuitabilityPro: FinaMetrica Profiler.


PlanPlus and FinaMetrica merge

Two of the world’s leading client risk assessment software providers – PlanPlus of Toronto and Finamentrica of Australia - are to merge from this month.

The merged business is called PlanPlus Global but the PlanPlus and FinaMetrica brands will continue to offer their products on a stand-alone basis. Finametrica is widely used by UK Financial Planners and was co-founded Paul Resnik, a well known figure in the UK.

PlanPlus is known for its multi-currency, multi-jurisdiction financial and investment planning software and FinaMetrica for its personal financial risk tolerance measurement tools. The joint business says the merger means that PlanPlus Global can offer an integrated solution around evidence-based investment suitability to banks, investment managers and financial advice enterprises.

PlanPlus founder and CEO, Shawn Brayman said: “Our products range from the world's most respected psychometric risk tolerance profiler to a goal-based robo adviser to comprehensive Financial Planning, all in several languages with more than 12,000 users in dozens of countries.”

The two firms say they have collaborated for over a decade, sharing a belief that customers and providers benefit when rigorous academic research underpins financial advice processes.

FinaMetrica co-founder Paul Resnik said: “The strategic match between FinaMetrica and PlanPlus is extraordinary. Our products complement each other and we share a common commitment to delivering financial systems that prioritize client’s best interests.

“Meanwhile, we both have global businesses serving the corporate market and individual advisors. The merger comes at just the right time for us to meet the market’s demands for an affordable, scalable and defensible advice solution that can be applied internationally across platforms, channels and borders.”

The merged business serves customers in more than 30 countries with significant presences in Canada, US, UK and Australia and substantial user bases in India, Germany, South Africa and Malaysia. PlanPlus Global has staff, offices and representatives in all major time zones.

FinaMetrica co-founder Geoff Davey will exit the business after his retirement from executive roles in 2015.

Paul Resnik said “FinaMetrica’s world leading reputation in financial risk tolerance is largely the result of Geoff’s insight, intellectual rigour and hard work. We thank him and wish him a long and happy retirement.”