Planner Casebook: Helping a HNW client with £10m windfall

Robin Melley, Chartered Financial Planner and founder of Matrix Capital in Shropshire, shares how he helped a retiring CEO with a £10m windfall in the latest edition of Financial Planning Today magazine.


Casebook: Death of an entrepreneur

Chartered Financial Planner Ian Cook of Quilter writes in the latest issue of Financial Planning Today magazine about how he helped a widow in Scotland in her early 50s plan for the future after the tragic, untimely death of her entrepreneur husband. 


Casebook: Estate planning following a shock bereavement

Considering how you would like to be treated at a sensitive time can make the difference in helping clients cope with estate planning issues following bereavement, according to Financial Planner Simon Bonnett of Chartered Financial Planners Becketts.


Family wealth plans help secure clients of tomorrow

A comprehensive family wealth plan, including pensions and gifting, is also an efficient and productive way to get in front of the clients of the future, according to a leading Financial Planner.