Brexit and tech challenges hit financial services optimism

There was a decline in optimism among financial services firms for the second consecutive quarter due to stronger competition, rising uncertainty about demand due to Brexit and other economic issues and slowing profits growth, according to the latest CBI/PwC Financial Services Survey.


Growth in female billionaires outpaces males

A new report from UBS and PwC has revealed that growth in the number of female billionaires has outpaced males.


WMA says education key to cutting pensions confusion

The government must invest more to educate consumers about long-term saving and investment if it wants the population to retire comfortably, the Wealth Management Association (WMA) has warned. Read more...

Financial services growth slows as volatility rises - CBI

Growth in business volumes for financial services firms slowed in the three months to September as optimism levelled out, according to the latest CBI/PwC Financial Services Survey. Read more...