Q&A: New PFS CEO Don MacIntyre on seeking stability

In this exclusive Q&A with Financial Planning Today, Don MacIntyre, the new interim CEO of the Personal Finance Society (PFS), talks to editor Kevin O’Donnell about the recent Festival of Financial Planning, his plans to restore confidence in the body and the road ahead.


Q&A with Noel Maye, CEO of global planning body FPSB

Noel Maye, CEO of the Denver-based Financial Planning Standards Board, is standing down after 20 years at the helm of the global Financial Planning standards organisation which sets the benchmarks for Certified Financial Planners around the world. Financial Planning Today caught up with him to ask him about his milestones, the progress of Financial Planning in the UK and his plans for the future.


Exclusive: Transitioning helped me find my Planner voice

Jamie Lowe, director and Financial Planner at True Self Wealth, has shared with Financial Planning Today what inspired him to set up a new Financial Planning firm focused on LGBTQ+ clients after transitioning gender to become a trans person.


Q&A with PFS CEO Keith Richards

Financial Planning Today caught up with Personal Finance Society CEO Keith Richards about his impending departure from the professional body, how he sees the Financial Planning profession's state of health and his plans for the future.