Pensions and tax relief upheaval looms despite Scottish no vote

The no vote in the Scottish referendum does not mean no change for pensions and tax relief, experts are warning, as the dust settles on the historic ballot result.


Scottish firm which eyed the exit door weighs up devolution impact

One of Scotland's major financial services companies, which had eyes on the exit door if voters opted for independence, is weighing up the implications of further devolution this morning.


Ex-IFP President: Scots yes vote a nightmare scenario

Scottish independence poses a "nightmare scenario" for the financial services industry despite the yes campaign's insistence it can be a strong economic power on its own, a former IFP president says.


Maelstrom ahead if Scots breakaway - pension firm founder

A pensions firm's co-founder has predicted chaos if Scots vote for independence and says everyone in the financial services industry is keeping their fingers crossed that it does not happen.