Editor’s Column: Will you still need me when I’m 64 - and sick?

The Beatles’ famous song ‘When I’m 64’ includes the lines “Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m 64?” It’s a question many have asked but the answer, at least from a State Pension point of view, is increasingly a resounding no.


Illness forces 1 in 8 to quit work before State Pension

A new report from the TUC, the trade union umbrella body representing 5.5m workers, has revealed that 1 in 8 men and women (12%) are forced to stop working before state pension age due to ill-health or disability.


TUC warns 6.3m missing out on workplace pensions

The Trades Union Congress, the union umbrella body, says auto-enrolment must be extended to all employees to avoid “injustice.”


Women have barely half pension savings of men

Women, carers, the ethnic minorities and the self employed are well behind behind the average man when it comes to pension saving, according to a new TUC-sponsored report.