Clients trusting of their own adviser but distrusting of industry

Clients are placing a high level of trust in their financial adviser but are significantly less trusting of the financial services sector. Read more...

FCA demands better customer service to restore trust in firms

Martin Wheatley, designate chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority, believes good customer service needs to become the "bread and butter staple" of City firms. Read more...

Global Financial Planners say more transparency would improve trust

Financial Planners feel that increased transparency and disclosure would be the best way to improve consumer trust, according to Financial Planet. Read more...

We all need to face the question of trust

I am not sure that I have ever posed this question to any of my clients: “Do you trust me?”It’s a given. It is implicit in all our dealings with each other and has been since the day we opened the doors in May 2000.