Budget 2015: Changes to EIS and VCTs laid out by Treasury

The Chancellor has announced changes to Enterprise Investment Schemes, the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme and Venture Capital Trusts in today's Budget. Read more...

Firm gets VCT status reprieve as HMRC reviews decision

The taxman's decision to take away venture capital trust status from Oxford Technology will be reviewed – meaning the status is reinstated for the time being at least. Read more...

Almary Green forecasts surge in VCT interest from pension refugees

Venture Capital Trusts are set to grow in popularity as increasing numbers of investors look for high returns amid ongoing meddling with pension contributions, says financial adviser firm Almary Green. Read more...

VCT managers believe Chancellor's pension changes could boost VCTs

The Association of Investment Companies says VCT managers believe they can fill some of the gap left after the Chancellor's announcement this week that from 2014-15 tax relief will only apply to pension savings up to £40,000 annually and up to £1.25 million over a lifetime.