Members of adviser body APFA vote for WMA merger

Members of adviser body APFA have voted to approved a merger with the Wealth Management Association.


APFA boss: WMA merger better for advisers in many ways

After plans were revealed last week for the WMA and APFA to merge into a new body, APFA director general Chris Hannant tells FP Today readers more about what it entails, the benefits for advisers, and what it means for members' fees. Read on for Mr Hannant's article below. 


Live cybercrime style hack to show threat to wealth managers

A cybercrime style hack will be undertaken live at a conference this month to demonstrate the threat posed to wealth managers and finance firms.


WMA says education key to cutting pensions confusion

The government must invest more to educate consumers about long-term saving and investment if it wants the population to retire comfortably, the Wealth Management Association (WMA) has warned. Read more...