IFP makes final preparations for Financial Planning Week 2013

The IFP's Financial Planning Week will launch on Sunday with an exclusive consumer survey of over 2,000 people which has now been distributed to members in advance for release on Sunday. Read more...

MAS launches TV ad campaign to reach UK's "unadvised" millions

Over half of the UK's adult population (52% or 25.6m people) have never received or cannot recall if or when they last received advice about managing their own money and a further one in five (21% or 10.3m people) has not received such advice in the last year. Read more...

Consumer poll for IFP highlights uncertainty about 2012

A consumer poll for Financial Planning Week shows uncertainty about 2012 as fears of Eurozone crisis coupled with UK inflation undermine confidence. Read more...

Consumers unaware about how they will be affected by the RDR

Only five per cent of consumers are aware of the changes being implemented by the RDR.