Autumn Statement: Planners give qualified thumbs up

Financial Planners have given the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement a qualified thumbs up, particularly in the area of pension saving, although many are holding fire until all the details are released in the Finance Bill.


Autumn Statement: Relief at ditching of pension death tax

Industry experts have praised HMRC's decision will do a U-turn on plans to impose a new pensions death tax on pension scheme members who die before the age of 75.


Autumn Statement: ISA reforms unveiled

The Investing and Saving Alliance (TISA), a trade body for savings and investment providers, has backed a raft of ISA reforms published today as part of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement.


Autumn Statement: Full text of Chancellor's speech


This is the full text of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement delivered to MPs in the House of Commons today (22 November 2023) at approx 12.35 pm. Financial Planning Today has added section headings to make it easier to navigate: