Many firms backing Financial Planning Week

Many Financial Planning firms are taking part in this week’s Financial Planning Week annual campaign to promote the benefits of Financial Planning.


Financial Planning Week 2022 - details revealed 

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment - the professional body for Certified Financial Planners - has urged the UK’s growing Financial Planning community to throw its weight behind the 2022 Financial Planning Week campaign which takes place in October. 


PFS campaigners push for voting data

Campaigners opposing the deregistration of the 40,000 member Personal Finance Society (PFS) have sent a letter to Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) CEO Sian Fisher pushing for AGM voting numbers to be published on the CII website this week.


CII to review PFS plans after barring ‘no confidence’ motion 


The Chartered Insurance Institute is to launch a consultation with its 125,000 members on the future of its Personal Finance Society arm after barring a last-minute no-confidence motion at today’s AGM.