IFP's Nick Cann completes epic 100 mile charity bike ride

The IFP's Nick Cann successfully completed his 100 mile charity bike ride from Cardiff to Tenby at the weekend raising over £5,000 for the Stroke Association. Read more...

IFP's Nick Cann plans 100 mile cycle ride for charity

IFP chief executive Nick Cann - who is on long term sick leave recovering from stroke - is planning to undertake a 100 mile cycle ride in May to raise money for the Stroke Association. Read more...

Nick Cann's wife Jo organises Paris cycle ride for stroke charity

Jo Cann, wife of IFP chief executive Nick Cann who suffered a stroke earlier this year, is organising a 300-mile sponsored cycle ride to
 Paris with former IFP President Julie Lord to raise thousands of pounds for the Stroke Association. Read more...