PFS board criticises parent CII as review begins

The Personal Finance Society board has voiced criticism of its parent body, the Chartered Insurance Institute, as a review of both bodies’ future strategies gets under way.


PFS re-elects President as debate on body’s future goes on 

The directors of the PFS have re-elected Sarah Lord as President of the Personal Finance Society for a second term as debate on the future of the professional body goes on.


CII shelves PFS plans until review concluded

The Chartered Insurance Institute board has shelved, at least temporarily, any plans to deregister its Chartered Financial Planner-body, the Personal Finance Society, until the results of a major review are known next year.


PFS campaigners push for voting data

Campaigners opposing the deregistration of the 40,000 member Personal Finance Society (PFS) have sent a letter to Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) CEO Sian Fisher pushing for AGM voting numbers to be published on the CII website this week.